Secondary education:  King’s College (英皇書院), Hong Kong

                            ( link to the secondary school  ) 


Postsecondary education:

Ph.D.      Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, Massachusetts)

J.D.         University of California College of the Law (San Francisco, California)

M.B.A.     University of Washington (Seattle, Washington)

B.S.         Rose Polytechnic Institute (Terre Haute, Indiana)

                   (name later changed to Rose–Hulman Institute of Technology)


Quotes from The Biography of Mr. Five Willows (五柳先生傳):


"好讀書,不求甚解。毎有會意,便欣然忘食。" (Rough translation: Enjoyed reading books but did not care to dwell on details. Whenever insight was gained from the reading he became so joyous that even hunger was ignored.)


 "酣觴賦詩,以樂其志。無懷氏之民歟!葛天氏之民歟!"  (Rough translation: Writing poems while drinking wine to joyfully express aspiration. Just like the simple and contented life of ancient people!)